Saturday, July 18, 2015

My Sassy Sister

Hearing me sob, my sister -who sat on the other side of the room- asked me, "you crying?"
Still from where she sat, -barely even looked at me-, she suddenly raised her voice,
"My God, are you reading articles about Yulin again? Why on earth would you do that to yourself, Ka???" 

So until about 3 weeks ago, I had this phase of crying over the cats and dogs in Yulin, China. I Googled about it every night only to found that most of those pure and helpless creatures were still being tortured to death, despite numerous of animal welfare activists' movements to save as much as they could.

After not Googling about it for a while, -knowing how depressing it could be-, a moment ago I decided to Googled it. I guess I was hoping to find the uncivilized festival being banned or something.

Didn't find what I was looking for, I started to cry, again. And that's when the dialogue above took place.

It's just so cute how my sister can tell the cause of my tears in a matter of second.
I hope you won't read this post, 'lil sis. Don't want to get you so cocky.

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